Free Management Tool – Turnover Self Evaluation

Congratulations. If you are here, it is because you want to take some real and practical steps toward curbing your employee turnover and start working on employee retention.  The tool we provide uses psychology and self assessment strategies to identify the root causes that may be losing you good performers.   Here is a look at the unique and fresh elements of our turnover self-exam.  Simply provide your email in the form on this page and you will receive this wonderful and productive tool for yourself and your management team.

This FREE checklist incorporates several innovative and fresh strategies to help managers "trick" themselves into true self-analysis:


     1. 360-Degree Feedback as a Reality Check

By inviting anonymous feedback from employees and peers, managers are encouraged to confront blind spots in their management style. This method helps bypass defensive reactions by emphasizing collective, constructive insights rather than direct confrontation.

     2. Daily Journaling for Pattern Recognition

The practice of recording and reflecting on daily interactions forces managers to notice recurring behaviors or communication issues. Over time, this reveals patterns they may otherwise overlook.

     3. Recognition Audit for Objective Data

The "Recognition Audit" shifts focus from subjective impressions to measurable data, making it harder for managers to justify a lack of employee recognition with excuses like "I’m too busy."

     4. Stay Interviews for Preemptive Insight

Unlike exit interviews, stay interviews encourage managers to explore what is keeping employees engaged or potentially driving them away before they decide to leave.

     5. Employee-Led Surveys for Honest Feedback

The inclusion of anonymous surveys and suggestion boxes offers a non-threatening platform for employees to highlight issues managers might not recognize. It’s a subtle way of uncovering deeper organizational flaws.

     6. Observation of Team Dynamics

Encouraging managers to watch team interactions without intervening helps them identify unhealthy dynamics or unspoken tensions. This indirect approach allows them to witness the impact of their policies in action.

     7. Practical Tools That Make Data Visible

Tools like Officevibe or Culture Amp provide dashboards with real-time metrics on culture, satisfaction, and engagement, helping managers see hard-to-ignore patterns that require attention.

Using Hard Data for Work-Life Balance Analysis

Tracking metrics like overtime and unused vacation days turns subjective complaints into concrete numbers, making it harder for managers to dismiss issues related to stress and workload.

     8. State of the Company Report for Transparency

Developing and sharing regular updates on the company’s goals and progress helps managers align their own vision with employee expectations, reducing the chance of miscommunication or misalignment.

     9. Personalized Feedback Approaches

By recognizing that not all employees respond to the same type of acknowledgment, managers are encouraged to learn what motivates individuals. This emphasis on tailored recognition deepens connection and trust.

These strategies, developed by workplace psychologists and human resources consultants, leverage objectivity, structured feedback, and behavioral psychology to gently push owners and managers toward uncovering truths about their leadership and organizational practices. Employee retention and employee satisfaction lie just on the other side.

Provide your email below to download it for FREE now!

Table Of Contents

Article Home - Our Ultimate Guide To Reduce Employee Turnover and Increase Retention

TOC - Visit our Table of Contents Page for this engaging and dynamic series of informative articles about Employee Turnover compiled by our expert human resource consultants.



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