HR Outsourcing

Made Easy

Human Resources Consultants & Experts In New Jersey

A Full HR Department

Whether you are growing fast, just lost your HR practitioner, or just need a full department where there isn’t a budget for one… We give you a fully staffed HR department that solves your problems and costs less than you might pay for just one employee.

Stop wasting your valuable time or your staff’s time doing difficult technical payroll work. We take the function off your plate and ensure it’s done right. Garnishments, unemployment forms, payroll reports… We take the burden off of you. 

Through an affordable subscription, this is your hedge against unforeseen human resource problems that provides executive level guidance at an extraordinarily low price. You control when and where to tap expertise to guide your employment decisions. 

Expert Knowledge

An HR consultant available any time you need it, all at a cost you can afford.

A Human Resources Outsourcing firm based out of New Jersey, My Virtual HR Director provides small and medium sized businesses with consultative senior Human Resources professionals who are experts in employment-related issues and available at any time by phone, email, or onsite. 

A human resources professional is an important asset in today’s complex employment environment. Now, any small or mid-sized company can afford a highly-qualified HR team added to your management team.

All the benefits and value of an expert HR resource for your management team without attendant payroll costs, benefits, taxes, and office expense. Find out more about the advantages of our outsourced HR services and benefits for your company.

Discover how our specialized Human Resource Outsourcing firm can help take the burden of HR administration off of you and your staff, while providing you with the expert guidance you need.

Speak with an experienced HR Consultant at the executive level who can provide the informed answers you need for the improved human resources management you want. We work with clients in New Jersey, New York, and across the country.

Flexible Work Schedules Explained

What Are Flexible Work Arrangements?Flexible work arrangements are policies, practices or informal arrangements that allow employees to have greater flexibility and control over when, where and how they work. Let’s look at whether they fit your company’s needs…Flexible arrangements move away from the traditional 9-to-5, office-bound schedule to better accommodate employees’ real-life situations and work…

HR Consulting

Make Work-Life Balance a Real Thing In Order to Stave Off Turnover

All work and no life leads to burnout and high turnover.  After studying work-life balance for over 20 years, I’ve seen firsthand how critical it is to employee wellbeing, corporate stability, and business results. But what does balance really mean, and how does it impact turnover? Work-life balance is about creating sustainable lifestyle rhythms, not…

HR Consulting

Employee Turnover Conquered With Gamification

Gamification: The Secret to Engaging and Motivating Employees In my previous article, I explored how incentives drive employee behaviors. An emerging technique called “gamification” leverages gaming mechanics to incentivize engagement, productivity, and learning in the workplace. As games motivate players to gain skills, badges, and rewards, gamified work systems can powerfully motivate employees.Decades of gaming…

HR Consulting

Top 10 Compensation Planning Trends

By: Don McDermott, D.G. McDermott AssociatesToday, staying abreast of the latest compensation strategies is critical to retaining talent and reaching your organization’s strategic goals. These ten trends are your roadmap to ensuring your compensation planning remains competitive and aligned with your business strategies and the needs of your workforce. 1. Pay Equity and Diversity The…

HR Consulting

Recognize And Reward Good Employees

Plainly put: you can stop employee turnover and attrition with on-purpose recognition. Recognizing achievements fosters engagement and loyalty. Employee recognition goes far beyond the occasional gift card or plaque. Authentic appreciation that rewards magnificent work should be intrinsic to company culture. Recognition boils down to providing incentives. The key to nailing it is know what…

HR Consulting